E2 Environmental Entrepreneurs

E2+Logo+with+URLE2 is the independent business voice for the environment. E2 is a non-partisan group of over 800 business professionals nationwide who advocate at the state and federal level for good environmental policy that is also good for the economy and jobs.

I am founder and former Director of E2 Rocky Mountains based in the Denver/Boulder area.


Wildlife Protection Solutions

Wildlife Protection Solutions (WPS) is an innovative, agile, get it done, hands on, 21st century wildlife conservation group founded and run by successful software/tech business entrepreneurs. Their vision and mission to help endangered wildlife is audacious.  This is what I like about them. They bring a much needed breath of fresh air and critical eye to existing Big NGO conservation that is fighting a defensive game and losing. And many of the most endangered wildlife don’t seem to have any organized help from any major NGO.
WPS is seeking smart, passionate, talented people who share these values to join the board or provide financial support to help scale the success they have proven in the field in South Africa and Sumatra.   Please contact me to learn more and we’ll setup a meeting with Sue, Dave and Eric – the tiger team behind WPS’s innovation and success.


Raven’s Nest Prairie Wildlife Reserve

With the goal of finding or creating new sources of capital for wildlife habitat conservation on private lands I designed an LLC structure for a conservation buyers group. My intention was to syndicate conservation buyers together so we could purchase and protect property we would not be able to individually.  I invited friends to participate who I knew were passionate about conservation and invited new conservation buyers we were introduced to by Nicole Rosemarino of Southern Plains Land Trust.   Our conservation buyer group wanted to protect prairie and endangered prairie wildlife. We looked for several years for the right property in eastern Colorado. We eventually found one that met our conservation criteria and our price point and we purchased it.  While resting the property from grazing and looking at our options to recoup some or all of our investment and ensure the property was permanently protected, Southern Plains Land Trust offered to buy the entire property outright. We agreed and our property helped create the 5,000 acre Raven’s Nest prairie wildlife reserve in southeast Colorado.   We achieved our conservation impact we wanted and had about a -10 percent financial return. We are now looking for our next property to protect and looking for additional conservation buyers to join us.  Please contact me for more info.


Gene on RNNP LA Fieldtrip Geology Lesson RNNP 5th Graders RNNP Autumn Landscape

photo by Michael Menefee
photo by Michael Menefee

CO impact Initiative

I am honored to have worked with my friend and one of the smartest people I know, Dr. Stephanie Gripne, to grow the Impact Finance Center and launch and grow CO Impact Days and CO Impact Initiative.   This gave me an opportunity to help Nature and people in my adopted home state of Colorado, to apply my expensive lessons learned from angel investing, and to apply my lessons learned from impact investing so far. I helped lead the Environment track which includes Water, Energy, Transportation and Ag. We had co-captains on this track who are experts in these fields.



Shift Giving to Nature

Creative director for motion graphics piece to increase awareness of how little of our charitable giving in US goes to Nature.

Creative Director for motion graphics piece to increase awareness of how little of our charitable giving in US goes to Nature. Only 2 cents of every dollar donated goes to Nature, including humane societies, zoos, and climate change organizations; and of those 2 cents, only an estimated 1/10th goes to help wildlife internationally.
Industrialized countries around the world have created private, public, and nonprofit organizations to conserve and protect our environments and wildlife. However, according to Dr. Richard Leakey, in developing countries, “chronic underfunding is the greatest challenge to wildlife conservation, where most of the world’s biodiversity resides, but where government funding for environment is understandably limited.”

Learn more about the work I am doing to shift charitable giving to nature, sign my pledge to increase your charitable donations to wildlife, and click on the site’s conservation organization links to give to nature now!

Please show you care by shifting your giving to Nature today.



TEDxBoulder Presentation

How do we evolve so we and our fellow creatures thrive 1,000 years from now?  What we have lost already here in the US and what we can do to help endangered wildlife…

If you find this topic interesting, here are some follow up items on biodiversity, human overpopulation and hyper growth, and how our society can evolve so we as humans live sustainably on our Planet. Continue reading “TEDxBoulder Presentation”